
How I build my Astro blog using GitHub Discussions

Join me in my experiment to build an Astro blog where we host blog content on GitHub, but without using Git to push and commit Markdown as regular files, but instead we'll be using GitHub Discussions as CMS for our Markdown content and then eventually using GitHub API to retrieve the content.

On May 6, 2023 — 8 min read


So I’ve been trying to finish my blog for some time now, finally was able to. I wanted it to be up and running in a quick time and also, to be easily maintainable.

I chose Astro as it’s the best fit for the job, with its great Markdown support, but one thing I didn’t like was having both content and codebase on the same repository..

I come across some articles talking about making GitHub as CMS, saw some boilerplates around this idea and I wanted to have a go, but it wasn’t easy..

How to manage content

One great feature I liked about astro is their ContentCollection, where you create and manage your own types of collection, collection here means a folder with some Markdown files, more on that here.

But the problem with Astro now, is that it does not support fetching remote Markdown files and at the same time, benefit from ContentCollection, we need to have the Markdown files locally in order to be considered a ContentCollection..

So the TLDR of this article, is to fetch Markdown from a remote place, which in our case from GitHub (perfect way to host your Markdown content, more on that later on) and then save the fetched Markdown content as files locally, all of this needs to happen on build time..

GitHub Discussion

Currently I found two ways to build CMS on GitHub, either using issues or discussions, what I was familiar with was using issues, I saw it being used on a lot for blogs, but I also found GitHub discussions to be a better choice, first we’ll talk about the setup and then the fetch script using GitHub API.


So here are the things I did to setup the blog in GitHub discussion:

  • Enabled discussion feature in my repository.
  • Deleted all default labels.
  • Deleted all default categories and sections.
  • Created new section named “Articles”.
  • Created two new categories with type “Announcement”, named “Released” and “Drafts” respective to release and draft posts. in this case “Announcement” type categories prevents non maintainers from posting new discussions under this category.

Now we need to know the format of the Markdown files we want to save locally, so we create a new ContentCollection:

import { defineCollection, z } from "astro:content";
const blogCollection = defineCollection({
  schema: z.object({
    title: z.string(),
    subtitle: z.string().nullish(),
    lede: z.string(),
    tags: z.string().array(),
    draft: z.boolean(),
    picked: z.boolean(),
    featured: z.boolean(),
export const collections = {
  blog: blogCollection,

Now we need to understand how to map discussion settings to the Markdown format above, so we have the following field and their mapping in GitHub Discussions:

  • title: the title of the discussion, easy!
  • subtitle (this will only be used in the post OG image): a frontmatter field.
  • lede: a frontmatter field.
  • tags: assigned GitHub labels of the discussion.
  • created_at: date of creation of the discussion.
  • updated_at: date of the update of the discussion.
  • draft: whether or not such discussion is in the “Drafts” category.
  • picked: whether or not such discussion is pinned in the GitHub discussions page.
  • featured: here I created a special tag, named “@featured”

A few points worth mentioning here:

  • only one post can be featured at a time.
  • only maximum of 3 picked posts at a time.

as for the “frontmatter” fields, here’s an example:

subtitle: this is a subtitle
lede: this is a long lede text, bla bla bla..
content here

Fetch script

Now for the fetching part, I had to add and extra build step for Astro, and here’s how it goes:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "astro dev",
    "fetch": "node scripts/fetch-discussions.mjs",
    "start": "astro dev",
    "build": "pnpm run fetch && astro build",
    "preview": "astro preview",
    "astro": "astro"

For the script, I created a new file under /scripts/fetch-discussions.mjs:

import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
async function fetchDiscussions() {
  // Use GitHub API to fetch discussions
fetchDiscussions().then((discussions) =>, idx) => {
    // Transform discussion data and Markdown to a compatible Markdown for Astro
    const content = "...";
    // Slugify post title and use it as the filename
    const filename = "...";
    // Save new formatted Markdown to a file under "src/content/blog"
    const dist = path.join(process.cwd(), "src/content/blog");
    if (!fs.existsSync(dist)) {
    fs.writeFile(`${dist}/${filename}`, content, (err) => {
      if (err) throw err;
      console.log(`Saved discussion ${idx + 1} to ${filename}`);

Now to elaborate further on the fetchDiscussions() function:

import { graphql } from "@octokit/graphql";
import { loadEnv } from "vite";
const gql = String.raw;
const owner = "OWNER";
const repo = "REPO";
async function fetchDiscussions() {
  const { GITHUB_TOKEN } = loadEnv("production", process.cwd(), "");
  const graphqlAuth = graphql.defaults({
    headers: {
      authorization: `token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}`,
  // Retrieve pinned discussions ids
  const resPinned = await graphqlAuth(
      query {
        repository(owner: "<owner>", name: "<repo>") {
          pinnedDiscussions(last: 100) {
            nodes {
              discussion {
      .replace("<owner>", owner)
      .replace("<repo>", repo)
  const pinnedDiscussionsIds =
    (node) =>
  // Retrieve all discussions (Drafts & Release categories)
  const res = await graphqlAuth(
      query {
          query: "repo:<owner>/<repo> is:open category:Drafts category:Release"
          type: DISCUSSION
          last: 100
        ) {
          edges {
            node {
              ... on Discussion {
                category {
                labels(last: 100) {
                  nodes {
      .replace("<owner>", owner)
      .replace("<repo>", repo)
    .map((edge) => edge.node)
    .map((discussion) => ({
      category: discussion.category.slug,
      labels: =>,
      isPinned: pinnedDiscussionsIds.includes(,

Now the final part:

import matter from "gray-matter";
function slugify(title) {
  return title
    .replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, "")
    .replace(/[\s]+/g, "-")
    .replace(/[-]+/g, "-")
fetchDiscussions().then((discussions) =>, idx) => {
    // Extract frontmatter data from discussion Markdown
    const { content: body, data: frontmatter } = matter(discussion.body);
    // Construct post data object
    const post = {
      title: discussion.title,
      tags: `[${discussion.labels
        .filter((label) => !label.includes("@"))
        .map((label) => `"${label}"`)
        .join(", ")}]`,
      created_at: discussion.createdAt,
      updated_at: discussion.updatedAt,
      draft: discussion.category === "drafts",
      picked: discussion.isPinned,
      featured: discussion.labels.some((label) => label === "@featured"),
    // Create a slug from the title of the post (this is still problematic, more on that later on)
    const slug = slugify(discussion.title);
    const filename = `${slug}.md`; // TODO: handle posts with the same title
    // Construct the post Markdown content
    const content = `---
  .map((key) => `${key}: ${post[key]}`)
`.replace(/\r/g, "");
    // Save new formatted Markdown to a file under "src/content/blog"
    const dist = path.join(process.cwd(), "src/content/blog");
    if (!fs.existsSync(dist)) {
    fs.writeFile(`${dist}/${filename}`, content, (err) => {
      if (err) throw err;
      console.log(`Saved discussion ${idx + 1} to ${filename}`);

Now, when we run the command below, our discussions will turn into a blog posts, they will be saved under /src/content/blog/*

pnpm run fetch

Hosting (Vercel)

Finally, we need to change the build command for our hosting provider, in our case, nothing comes close to “Vercel”, we head down to the settings page of our project, then to the “Build & Development Settings”, and we override the default build command:

Vercel Build & Development Settings
Vercel Build & Development Settings

Continuous deployment

Now the cherry on top, is to have our posts automatically built & deployment, so I used GitHub Actions to trigger Vercel deployment manually on each discussion change event, so I created two workflow files, one for preview & production deployment on vercel, this is an example of the preview.yml:

name: Vercel Deloyment Dispatcher (Preview)
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check if changes are done from either Drafts/Release discussion categories
        run: |
          discussion_category="${{ github.event.discussion.category.slug }}"
          if [ "$discussion_category" = "drafts" -o "$discussion_category" = "release" ]; then
            echo "Matched Draft/Release discussion category, triggering a deployment.."
            echo "Deployment triggered successfully!"
            echo "Out of scope discussion category, failing silently.."

Caveats & Problems

New, we’ll talk about some problems we have with this approach,

Slug problem

As we see in the fetch code above, we’re creating slug from the title of the discussion, but the problem is that, the title is changeable, so does the slug, which is very bad for SEO, we want the post to always have the same slug and the same URL.

Publish date

Problem here is that the publish date of the post, is not changeable, it’s always tied to the created_at date of the discussion, but it’s not huge problem, I can live with that.

GitHub Action trigger

With GitHub Actions, I was not able to limit discussions event triggers to a certain discussions categories (Drafts & Release, in my case), meaning for every discussion’s change, it will will trigger a new run, but because the runs does not exceedingly take a lot of time (12s tops), it’s alright.

Future improvements

Here are some things that I’m planning to work on next:

  • Fix issue with posts’ slug and urls after changing the title, probably use some kind of a KV store, to save the first generated post slug?
  • Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) with Astro, to only build newer / changed posts?

If you made it this far, thank you for reading, I hope you find it useful,

Stay tuned for more in the future, Peace ✌️
